Random Semicoherent Thoughts – Volume 37

Have you ever had one of the moments where you say, “Huh? I hadn’t realized it had been that long.” That was me recently when I realized it had been two years since I’d written in my blog.

Since we’ve last visited I’ve gotten fat… like, I don’t know, sixty pounds fatter. Too many commitments, not enough time, plantar’s fasciitis, blah, blah, blah – at the end of it all it points back to me.


Let’s see… what else has happened. I got a new job which resulted in sixty percent increase in pay which comes with a sixty percent increase in responsibility and a sixty percent increase in commuting time. I do have an office this time with a gorgeous view of the city.


Plagues, recession, and civil unrest have happened. If you didn’t know that you’ve been living under a rock or something. Both Ms. Boss and I have kept our jobs and our health which makes us both fortunate.

Ms. Boss? She’s just fine, thank you for asking. She has now joined me in the forties doing it a hell of a lot better than I did. She landed a new job, got promoted, has a boss who works in England, and generally excels in everything she does. I married well… quite well.


You can thank (or blame, your choice) my revisiting this blog on a recent vacation. I rested. I relaxed. I read. I made plans for the future. I started new habits which included journalling. I remembered I’m actually paying for this space and not using it which is a bad decision. I decided to put my journalling efforts on the web for all kinds of people (and things, don’t forget things, bots are my number one audience) to read and enjoy.


My inbox has over 61,000 comments to moderate. Is it even worth the time to look back through them and see if one of them is a real live person? I tried to start deleting them, but can only do so 20 at a time on my phone. That dear reader, means I would need to mass delete over 3,000 times. Maybe I take the time to read a few of them and do a ‘fan mail’ post.


In a little more than seven months, the subtitle of this blog will change. I’m not quite prepared for that.

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