It’s been awhile. I’ve been busy.
I really feel that I should say something about the Orlando shootings, but I just don’t know what to say that would be meaningful.
I’ m a straight guy and I marched in a gay pride parade last weekend because I was asked to. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I don’t understand homosexuality. The thought of being intimate with a man just really doesn’t do it for me. I do, however, know a thing or two about love. If two men love one another and their being together makes them happy, why should I care or interfere? Just because I don’t understand something, doesn’t mean I should condemn it.
Why are Christians so quick to condemn Muslims as a whole for the actions of a few radicals? I seem to recall someone saying something about sin and casting stones…
I don’t understand guns. I even work in an environment where guns are a large part of the culture – the majority of my coworkers have assault rifles. I shot a few beers cans in my younger years and it didn’t do much for me. However, much like homosexuality (brace yourself for an awkward statement), just because I don’t understand it, doesn’t mean I condemn it.
I do understand media. They make a profit out of other people’s misery. I will condemn that. Unfortunately, they are a necessary evil.
Here’s something that annoys me. My work exposes me to many things that make the news. Time and time again, I see them get the facts wrong. Yet when they cover something I don’t know about, I accept it as the gospel truth. Seriously?