World Wide Web Wednesday – Volume 6

After a few weeks off, it’s time for another installment of World Wide Web Wednesday.  Today’s link is… – The Sun Magazine

For once, this is not a technology link.  In fact, this magazine is one instance in my life where I go ‘full analog’ getting the magazine by the good old U.S. Mail.

Like many great ideas that have floated through my life in the last fifteen years, my relationship with The Sun came about when Ms. Boss ran across the magazine and signed me up for a free trial.  I enjoyed the writing that highlights, as the magazine says, people rising to meet life’s challenges and soon enough had a subscription.  I’ve been an ‘on and off’ subscriber ever since reading every issue cover to cover.

My favorite segment every month is ‘Readers Write’ – a section where readers write about the topic that has been chosen for month.  The short snippets cover some of the pivotal moments in the lives of others. For the record, I’ve been tempted to write, but have never pulled the trigger.

Fair warning – if you’re allergic to left-leaning politics and ideas, this magazine isn’t for you so you might want to retreat to the safety of Fox News.  While I don’t necessarily endorse the economic values represented within, it does appeal to my more like libertarian nature. Some of the writers seem to have liberated themselves from some of the more unseemly sides of modern society, something that makes me the tiniest bit jealous.

The Sun Magazine – go visit and, better yet, subscribe to support this non-profit venture. Now go forth and web!

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