Just the Beginning

While tears rolled down from eyes swollen with         sorrow
How I wished to convey to her
That hurtful words from a few former friends
Would mean very little in a few short years
That soon enough greater troubles would come
The ones we all face while moving through this life
Filled with disappointment, despair, sorrow and ignominy
But little I said would reach her tender young ears
For my experience tells me it will take at least twenty more years
For her to learn the truth
That Pandora’s Box opens slowly indeed

4 thoughts on “Just the Beginning”

  1. I’ll actually leave my own comment on this one.

    I asked Ms. Boss’ critique on my poem. While she said she liked it, she didn’t care for the last line calling it cliche. On one level, I agree with her – I want my poetry to be original and would much rather generate my own ideas. At the same time, the use of cliche allows me to convey a complex idea in a few short words which helps with ‘flow’.

    I’d entertain any opinions on the matter of a comment below (hint, hint).

  2. My dear, you misunderstood me. I disliked the use of “Pandora’s Box” simply because I believe it is like many things in life, misunderstood and I’ll-used (i.e. Karma). Pandora was not instructed to open the box and curiosity led to releasing ALL the evils of the world. It saddens me that you use this as representation for life unfolding.

    I do agree that certain words or phrases can very succinctly make a point and no other compromise should be made. I disagree that Pandora’s Box was the best reference for this event. You, however, are entitled to your own interpretation of events from your vantage point. I would encourage you to be more than the status quo in future writing endeavors because I know you have it within you. Your choice.

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