Random Semicoherent Thoughts – Volume 2

Tell your wife you love her.  Do it now.  You’ll never know when it’s too late.

My journal and I have a deal – there’s no such thing as a backspace key.  What’s on the page stays on the page.  This is completely and totally the opposite of how I write professionally (not a writer, just everyday correspondence) where I’ll scrutinize a single paragraph for fifteen minutes.  I’m trying to split the difference here.  I get three looks and it’s posted, perfect or no.  It’s the only way I’ll ever generate any content.  Perhaps we can make a game of ‘spot the grammatical error’.

Brisket.  Brisket is my favorite thing to eat as well as my favorite thing to cook.  It can not and must not be overcooked lest it become plain old roast beef.  Slow and gentle is the way to go for tenderness.

The ironic thing about the last little tidbit is that I just realized my wife has been trying to tell me something similar for years… and barbecue sauce has nothing to do with it.  Have I mentioned that I’m and obdurate male?

So I was sitting there drinking my normal morning breakfast (Cherry Berry Smoothie with Green and Protein Powder) when a random thought popped in my head about the news media.  Would we be better off today if there was no profit in delivering the news?  Would America be much different without the 24/7 news cycle or instant access to multiple sources?  Then it ocurred to me that this one has been tried before – Pravda.  Even when no one profits, media is still profitable.

Speaking of the former Soviet Union, I checked my web stats the other day and found that the part of the world that has visited my site the most is… Ukraine.  Now, I’m not naive enough to believe even for the briefest of moments that my page was accessed by some Ukrainian national who can identify with the ramblings of a middle-aged American male instead of a web-crawling robot, but just in case…  Pryvit!  Prijemno poznajomytysia!

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