Hello world, indeed.
For those of you not familiar with all things technical, a ‘Hello World!’ program is the first program that you learn in any computing language. When run, it’s sole purpose is printing those words on a screen. It doesn’t get any simpler than that. After that, well, it’s up to the programmer. Who knows what kind of journey they want to take?
It’s with that first clue we open the journey of discovering who I am and what I’m all about. An when I say ‘we’, I mean ‘you’ and ‘I’. I’m forty-five years old (HA! – another clue!) and I’m still trying to figure what I’m all about. Every year, every experience, every morsel of information I gain changes me, molds me, reshapes me until something just the tiniest bit different. It’s the spaces created by those changes that result in growth… and ultimately what makes life worth living.
If you want a theme for this blog, there it is: life. My life. My experiences. What’s meaningful or interesting to me.
To the few humans that read this, ‘hello’. Thank you for caring.
P.S. Is ‘C.L. Boss’ my real name? Yes and no.
‘C’ is for someone very important in my life.
‘L’ is for a group of someones – only one of whom I ever met – that are very important my life.
‘Boss’? ‘Boss’ is for someone I love unconditionally who has molded me, shaped me, and influenced me in so many ways – it is impossible to overstate her importance in my life. I hope great things come out of this blog and I dedicate all those great things to her.